Friday, August 12, 2011


Hi Ya'll! I was so not motivated at all this last week to do much posting! I promise I will try and be better about posting more.. I recently took a look at my past posts and noticed that I have stopped sharing what the hubs cooks. Since he has been out of school we have been in a cooking rut and the hubs has not done much of anything! (As I type this he is sitting next to me playing Grand Theft Auto..) Don't get me wrong, the man deserves an actual break from school! He will be starting his senior year in a few weeks after being in school for only 2 years. He has worked super hard to get to this point and I could not be prouder of him! But with that being said, he has not done much of anything this summer. He says once school starts back up he will be motivated to start cooking again.  So look forward to that!

As far as the book thing goes, I am super excited to be starting to do reviews! I have quite a few books waiting for me to read and review. I would love to say that I have put a huge dent in my TBR pile.. but that would be a lie.. I've read 2 books on my kindle (one for review and one that I bought) and have only gotten one read from my physical stack of books so far. I am also super excited for some of the books I will be getting in the mail in the next week or so!

Along with awesome books coming and great recipes, my birthday is next week! I'll be 29 this year.. One year closer to 30.. No plans for celebrating yet, but I'm hoping to have dinner with some friends.

Thats my week.. How have you been?


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